The Adventures of Pete The Squirrel – “In The House” is a funny tale sure to delight children of all ages.” Jean Trebek
I’ve read and edited a number of children’s books and they must, more than any other literary form, hold up to repeated reading. Richard Oshen’s Pete The Squirrel and his sidekick Andy will be entertaining readers for years to come. This is a story with lots of heart and added extras, made all the better by Uliana Barabash’s excellent illustrations. – Robert Morgan Fisher – writer / editor
From colorful onomatopoeia to a playful maze, The Adventures of Pete the Squirrel is an engaging story of a budding relationship between a boy and a squirrel and the tenderness it takes to make a friend. This was a heartwarming delight to read. – Gail Paine, English Teacher
Not only is the story fun, loving and entertaining, the illustrations are beautiful. This story is interactive and lively and has a wonderful happy ending with a great moral for kids and adults! I love how Richard writes this book – Regina V
The Adventure Begins April 22, 2023 ONLY on AMAZON