
Writing for Children

I want to tell you a little bit about why I write for kids. Sure, writing for adults has its perks. But there’s something special about writing for kids that keeps me coming back to this particular audience again and again whether I’m writing a book like Pete the Squirrel or screenplays like Katlandia or Space Cat. Here are just a few reasons why I love it so much.

Why I Write for Kids

One of the things I love most about writing for kids is their openness when it comes to imagination. In the world of children’s literature, anything and everything is possible, and that’s the way it should be! Children are just beginning to explore and learn about the world around them. It’s a wonderful time to present stories that inspire and educate them. I know that when kids read my stories, they will feel loved and encouraged. My intention is that my stories spark a deeper conversation between child and parent that creates a deeper bond.

As an author, this freedom to imagine and create whatever I want is incredibly liberating. It allows me to tap into my own childhood memories and experiences to come up with stories that resonate with today’s young readers.

Did you know that Pete is a true story? It happened to me! I met a squirrel one day who was not shy about meeting humans. Over weeks and months, we became friends. Walnuts were a big part of the process, and guess what else? He actually did find a way into my house — but no more spoilers.

I love writing children’s books because they are so important. They can help children learn and grow, and give them hope for the future. My books are filled with wholesome values that will stay with kids long after they finish the story.

Pete the Squirrel holding a walnut

Plant Girl

Kindness is the ultimate superpower! COMING SOON!


Space Cat

Family Sci-Fi intergalatic adventure feature film

Katlandia Movie Poster


Family adventure screenplay. In a world where cats rule and magic is real

Animal Stories

Animals are amazing - and they matter!